Three applications for the development of the Dollar General Store. Site Design Review, Partition Tentative Plan, and a Variance.
20170707092248FP Archives
Public Hearing: Proposed PUD Overlay
The City of Monroe City Council has directed staff to amend the existing Monroe Land Use Development Code to include an overlay section unit that would facilitate and allow Planned Unit Developments within the City of Monroe. This PROPOSED amendment to the code does NOT change any zoning classification and does NOT limit or prohibit uses previously allowed by any affected zone within the zone.
The City Planning Commission (July 10th) and the City Council (July 24th) will each conduct a public hearing to accept public testimony regarding this proposed overlay addition to the Monroe Land Use Development Code.
Public Notice
PUD Overlay Draft Code
Ordinance 17-300
ordinance 17-400 PUD
Art Sculpture Dedication
The Monroe Beautification Committee dedicated the new art sculpture at the south entrance to the city Wednesday, June 21. The sculpture welcomes visitors and celebrates the rich heritage of the city.
The sculptor, Wade Skinner, beautification committee members, and Mayor Paul Canter attended the ceremony. The sculpture was made possible through a generous grant from the Benton County Cultural Coalition, the local agency of the Oregon Cultural Trust, as well as local businesses, private donors, and the City of Monroe.
The Monroe Beautification Committee, a subcommittee of the City Council, is comprised of citizen volunteers, several of whom are graduates of the Ford Family Foundation’s Ford Institute Leadership Program.
For more information contact Dorothy Brinckerhoff, pojeff∂, 541-517-5943
Budget Hearing Documents
2016 Monroe Water Quality Report Available
We are pleased to present this year’s Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report) as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This report is designed to provide details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies. See the entire report here.