Monroe Monthly: February 2018 Edition (the City of Monroe’s newsletter) is now posted on our website! To read and subscribe visit our City Newsletter page.
FP Archives
Library Closed Tuesday, Jan. 30th
The Monroe Community Library will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 30th for In-Service Training.
Notice: Land Use Action Hearing
The Monroe City Council will conduct a public hearing on January 22, 2018 for a land use action requesting a subdivision of 55 units on Orchard Street south of the intersection of Orchard and 9th Street. Significant additional information can be viewed here and at City Hall. The public hearing will be conducted in a manner which permits testimony from the applicant, followed by testimony from persons in favor of the application, testimony from persons opposing the application, and testimony from governmental bodies and agencies. The applicant will then have an opportunity to offer rebuttal. Any person offering testimony may request that the hearing be continued in order to address new evidence submitted. Any interested person may submit testimony prior to or at the public hearing. The Public Hearing will be at 6PM at Monroe City Hall, 658 Commercial Street.
Notice: Amending Nuisances Code
The Monroe City Council will conduct a public hearing on January 22, 2018 regarding Ordinance 2018-100, An Ordinance amending the City of Monroe Nuisances Code limiting livestock populations within the City of Monroe. The Public Hearing will be at 6PM at Monroe City Hall, 658 Commercial Street. Copies of the ordinance is available at City Hall or viewed here.
“Monroe Tomorrow”: Public Feedback Survey
Please visit our Comprehensive Plan Update Page to access our survey.
DECEMBER 11, 2017 6PM
380 N. 5th Street Monroe, Oregon (Highway 99W)
On Monday December 11, 2017, the Monroe City Council and the Monroe Planning Commission will be conducting a joint work session with the City Engineer (contracted services) and City Staff. The purpose of this work session is to learn about options and processes to increase the level of developed streets and other elements of the transportation related planning for the City of Monroe. Discussion and information sharing is expected regarding street standards, Local Improvement Districts (LID’s), Best Practices for street development, Transportation System Plans and street master plans. There will be no decisions rendered and no votes or actual business conducted. This is an educational and sharing opportunities for the elected and appointed volunteers serving the community of Monroe.
Questions and inquiries may be directed to the City Administrator, Rick Hohnbaum at Monroe City Hall or rick.hohnbaum∂
This is a public and open work session with a quorum of both public bodies being expected to be present. There will not be a public hearing during this educational and training event.