FP Archives
Monroe Community Library Legacy Fund
The Monroe Community Library is operated by the Benton County Library District which is supported by all the taxpayers of the county. But the building belongs to the Monroe community. A group of neighbors recognized the need to plan now for the building’s preservation into the future. The result is a partnership of South Benton Community Enhancement Association, the City of Monroe, and the Corvallis-Benton County Library Foundation to create a permanent fund to repair and maintain the elements of the library as they wear out. To learn more click here.
City of Monroe Investing in Ecosystem Restoration Project with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Long Tom Watershed Council
Press Release
On January 27th, 2019, The City of Monroe has been awarded a Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) 1135 project to investigate ecosystem restoration on the Long Tom River at Monroe. Under the authority provided by Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, the Corps may plan, design and build modifications to existing Corps projects, or areas degraded by Corps projects, to restore aquatic habitats for fish and wildlife. Projects conducted in the Southern Willamette Valley have included wetland restoration, wildlife habitat restoration, anadromous fish passage, and river restoration, sometimes with associated compatible recreation features such as walking paths and access areas. Projects must be in the public interest and cost effective for the ecosystem benefit gained and are limited to $10 million in Federal cost.
Full Time Public Works Employee
The City of Monroe is hiring for a Full Time Public Works Employee. Please read the job description below and the job posting. If you would like to apply for this position please submit an application to:
City of Monroe City Hall
In Person – 664 Commercial St Monroe, OR 97456
Mail – PO Box 486 Monroe, OR 97456
Fax – 541-847-5177
Email – tracy.jensen∂ci.monroe.or.us
Job Posting
Job PostingJob Description
Job DescriptionJob Application
monroe_application (1)
Transportation Growth Management Grant Awarded to City
The City of Monroe has been awarded a Transportation Growth Management (TGM) Grant to fund the development of a Riverside District Master Plan. The Riverside District Master Plan will allow Monroe to adequately plan and realize the community-generated vision to reorient the community towards the river and take advantage of its aesthetic, recreational, economic, and environmental opportunities. The space where the downtown, Long Tom River, and City Park intersect has been dubbed Monroe’s ‘Riverside District’ (See Map for context). The TGM Grant will allow Monroe to plan for synergistic land uses and transportation connections in this area to create a walk-able, vibrant, and sustainable district – enhancing resident’s quality of life and our economy.
Utility Rate (Drinking Water) Increase Effective September 1, 2018
On July 23rd, the City Council approved a $2.00 WATER rate increase that will take affect September 1, 2018 for all utility customers. The rate increase is due to unexpected costs associated with an increase in insurance rates, the requirement to produce a Water Management and Conservation Plan in order to become compliant with our water permit rights, and added water testing requirements. Altogether, these will cost the City an additional $25,000 during this fiscal year.