For information regarding the City of Monroe’s Comprehensive Plan Update click here!
City Council Work Session w/ SB Nutrition Program Board
On Thursday August 16, the Monroe City Council will have a work session with the South Benton Nutrition Program Board to review and discuss a proposed new draft agreement. A quorum of the City Council is expected. This is a work session for the city council to discuss the proposed new rental agreement with the South Benton Nutrition Program Board members. There will be no decisions rendered and no votes conducted.
Questions and inquiries may be directed to City Hall.
This is a public and open work session.
WORK SESSION WITH SBNP august 16 2018Request For Proposals: Monroe Gas Station Site
The City of Monroe, Oregon, seeks one or more well-qualified developers to implement its vision for the Gas Station site, as further described in this Request For Proposals (RFP). The City desires to sell the Gas Station site to assist the City in meeting the goals of stated community interests. To that end, the City Council is seeking prospective developers to make proposals for the purchase and development of the property in accordance with the requirements set forth in the RFP document.
For all information regarding this Request For Proposals, click here.
The request to accept Tract A (2.81 acres) as a proposed city owned park on the Red Hills Subdivision.
Public Notice for Four Public Hearings at the July 23rd City Council Meeting
1. Public Hearing to receive public input to declare the City Owned Property at 125 S. 5th (Gas Station) as surplus City Property.
2. A Public Hearing to receive public input for Ordinance 18-400. An Ordinance regulating the planting, maintenance, protection control, and removal of trees within the City of Monroe.
3. A Public Hearing to receive public input for Ordinance 18-500 ORDINANCE. An Ordinance regulating the growing and development of marijuana/cannabis products and the nuisances of odors involving the growth and smoking of products within the the City of Monroe.
4. A Public Hearing to receive public input for Ordinance 18-200. An Ordinance amending Monroe Land Use Development Code clarifying and defining accessory use units within the City of Monroe.
For additional information, click here.