Councilor Nicole Knott
Email Councilor Knott
Nicole has lived in Oregon her whole life and cannot imagine living anywhere else. She was extremely lucky to find a home here in Monroe and has fallen in love with this community. Monroe has everything that you could look for in a town. Nicole has lived in towns throughout Oregon giving her a great perspective on the needs and struggles of many different communities. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering Management and worked the last three years in the Eugene-Springfield area for an electrical contractor. This background will help Nicole navigate the growth and development of the City of Monroe and make sure our current and future residents have a wonderful city to call home.
Councilor: April 2021 to Present
Current Term Expires: December 31, 2022
City Council Representative for the Monroe School District #1J
Current Committee Assignments:
– Member, Budget Committee
– Member, Ordinance & City Policy Ad-Hoc Committee
– Member, Public Works Committee
Current Employment:
– Employed as Project Engineer for an electrical contractor in the Eugene-Springfield area.