Would you like to play a leading role in planning the future for the City of Monroe?
The City of Monroe is seeking a volunteer to serve on the Planning Commission.
Typically, there is one regular meeting a month on the first Monday at 6 pm. Currently the planning commission is working on a long-term development plan for the community and are meeting about once a month in a work session format. Letters of interest addressed to the Monroe City Council are currently being accepted at City Hall. The Council would like to appoint a new member at the December 18th City Council meeting.
The Planning Commission is made of seven members some who are residents of the City and some who reside outside of the City. The Planning Commission is subject to Oregon Ethics Commission standards including the submittal annually of a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) which is a public document.
Questions may be addressed to the City Administrator at rick.hohnbaum∂ci.monroe.or.us.